Maxi's epic kickass website

(the likes of which the world will never see again)

hello disciples, friends, enemies, beneficiaries, and other people etcetera. i am Maxi or Herb or whatever, and i am a 17yo person from london (yikes!) im here because i can be and want to be. for fun i buy or pirate and create music, do some art and watch youtube and also look at weird webart like this and this and then some other ones which i can remember right now so you get why? because theyre weird and interesting and disturbing and freaky and its quite astounding that people spent genuinely a lot of time making stuff like this

stuff i like

oh yeah and also check out my music:

the second one is here whilst i figure out how to fix the "Named entity expected. Got none" error. any ideas???

"< audio src="" controls="" controlslist="nodownload">< /audio>"

is the code btw (: